The link to the eLABa repository (spausti čia).
The Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library Information System (eLABa) is the national Lithuanian academic electronic library, where scientific and study documents and/or their metadata are collected and made publicly accessible.
eLABa consists of:
- The metadata database of scientific and study documents managed by eLABa administrators;
- The eLABa user database;
- The Lithuanian Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database (ETD);
- The Lithuanian Scientific (Artistic) and Study Publications Database (PDB);
- An electronic objects repository;
- A statistics database;
- A database of document reprints;
- The eLABa administrative database;
- The Lithuanian Virtual Library (LVB), created by automating libraries, unifying search and access to electronic information sources and virtual services.
Scientific (artistic) and study documents accessible through the Lithuanian Virtual Library include:
- Documents stored in Lithuanian academic libraries;
- Publications by lecturers, researchers, and students from Lithuanian scientific and study institutions;
- Final theses, doctoral dissertations, and their abstracts, as well as scientific work reviews submitted for habilitation procedures, approved by Lithuanian scientific and study institutions;
- Documents from subscribed and open access databases by Lithuanian scientific and study institutions.
Scientific and study documents in the eLABa repository:
- Final theses, doctoral dissertations, and their abstracts, scientific work reviews submitted for habilitation procedures;
- Scientific (artistic) publications based on research and published works;
- Scientific (artistic) activity results of Lithuanian scientific and study system participants (and forming statistical and list reports).
How to log in?
Username: The general college login name without the “@kvk.lt”, “@kvkedu.lt” suffixes.
Password: The general college login password.